I see a lot of configurations for Source games Valve games using an autoexec. Autoexec Autoexec does execute commands and settings on startup after the cloud sync and rewrites the config. After that the config is loaded into the game but not into the settings. I do already have mcore on but what else could help? Garry's Mod Store Page. Do I have to make one somewhere and set it to read-only? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. gmod autoexec.cfg

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No copyright on it, and im just saving it here for gnod own personal use, if you want to use it feel free to do so though, there are a few different cfgs and console commands thru the guide you will need. Timmy lancaster Jul 15, 9: I do already have mcore on but what else could help? It only takes a minute to sign up.

Jul 7, 18 College Station, TX. Ullallulloo same folder as your config. Share to your Steam activity feed. Raw Paste Data Pt. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Where is the autoexec.

How to use the autoexec.cfg file (FPS COMMANDS???)

Sign In Create an Account Cancel. Tested after the Reborn update:. So the config will be rewritten on every startup without the burden of changing the config itself every time. The location of the eautoexec. Arqade is a question and answer site fmod passionate videogamers on all platforms. See step 5 How to use the autoexec.

Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled. I tend to lose lots of FPS when people start doing things in my server. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. I see a lot of configurations for Source games Valve games using an autoexec.

gmod autoexec.cfg

Let's test out the Modded Minecraft Tech Support close reason. Thank you for your interest in this question. TheRustyPlayerTristan and Superheavy. What is this autoexec. Do I just put the lines I don't set in-game into it?

gmod autoexec.cfg

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Using autoexec for console commands :: Garry's Mod Help / Problems / Bugs

Tested after the Reborn update: Do I have to make one somewhere and set it to read-only? Would you like to answer one of autoexec.vfg unanswered questions instead? At startup steam - if activated - loads a config from the cloud and checks back with the gmox config. Ranch the Deer Jun 1 6: However if you change the settings via ingame menu - let's say controls for example - the config file will be rewritten from scratch.
